I Could Fall in Love Lyrics English With Meaning

I Could Fall in Love Lyrics: In the world of music, few artists have left a mark as profound and enduring as Selena Quintanilla-Pérez.

Her song, “I Could Fall in Love,” is a testament to her incredible talent and ability to capture the essence of love’s complexities.

With its poignant lyrics and soul-stirring melody, this ballad unveils the inner turmoil and vulnerability that often accompany matters of the heart.

The song opens with a heartfelt confession, “I could lose my heart tonight, if you don’t turn and walk away.” These lines encapsulate the trepidation one feels when faced with the prospect of falling deeply in love.

Selena’s evocative voice brings to life the emotions of hesitation and fear of rejection that many can relate to.

When I Fall in Love Lyrics With Meaning

As the verses unfold, we witness the singer grappling with the intensity of her emotions, torn between the desire to hold on and the apprehension of letting go.

The words “I could take you in my arms and never let go” reflect the longing for an everlasting connection, a love that defies the passing of time.

I Could Fall in Love Lyrics English

I could lose my heart tonight
If you don’t turn and walk away

‘Cause the way I feel, I might
Lose control and let you stay

‘Cause I could take you in my arms
And never let go

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you (Baby)

I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you (Baby)

I can only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel

But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still?
(Baby, will you want me?)

So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

I could fall in love with you
(I could fall in love with you)
I could fall in love with you (Baby)

And I know It’s not right
And I guess I should try
To do what I should do

But I could fall in love
Fall in love with you (Baby)

I could fall in love with you

So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know

I could fall in love (Fall in love)
I could fall in love (Fall in love)
With you (Baby)

I could fall in love with you
(I could fall in love with you)
I could fall in love

I Could Fall In Love Lyrics Meaning

I could fall in love lyrics
I could fall in love lyrics

Selena – I Could Fall In Love (Lyrics)

The song “I Could Fall in Love” by Selena conveys deep emotions and the internal struggle of falling in love despite the uncertainties and risks involved. Here’s an interpretation of the lyrics:

Verse 1:

  • “I could lose my heart tonight
    If you don’t turn and walk away”
    • The singer is admitting vulnerability, suggesting that they could become emotionally invested in someone they’re drawn to, but they fear rejection.
  • “‘Cause the way I feel, I might
    Lose control and let you stay”
    • The singer acknowledges their intense feelings, which could lead to losing self-control and allowing the person into their life.


  • “‘Cause I could take you in my arms
    And never let go”
    • The singer is tempted to embrace the person they’re falling for and never release them, expressing a desire for a deep and lasting connection.
  • “I could fall in love with you”
    • The central theme of the song is revealed: the singer’s willingness to open themselves up to the possibility of falling in love.

Verse 2:

  • “I can only wonder how
    Touching you would make me feel”
    • The singer expresses curiosity about the emotional and physical sensations they would experience if they pursued a romantic relationship.
  • “But if I take that chance right now
    Tomorrow will you want me still?”
    (Baby, will you want me?)
    • There’s hesitation, as the singer fears that acting on their feelings now might jeopardize the future of the relationship.

Verse 3:

  • “So I should keep this to myself
    And never let you know”
    • Despite their strong emotions, the singer contemplates keeping their feelings a secret to avoid potential complications.


  • “But I could fall in love
    Fall in love with you (Baby)”
    • The singer reiterates their willingness to take the risk and embrace love, even though it may not be the most practical choice.


  • “And I know It’s not right
    And I guess I should try
    To do what I should do”
    • The singer acknowledges that pursuing this love may not be the most rational decision, but their emotions are compelling them to consider it.


  • “I could fall in love (Fall in love)
    I could fall in love (Fall in love)
    With you (Baby)”
    • The song concludes with a sense of longing and desire to explore the possibility of falling in love with the person in question.

Overall, “I Could Fall in Love” explores the inner conflict and vulnerability associated with falling in love.

It portrays the struggle between the heart’s desires and rational thinking, ultimately expressing a willingness to take a chance on love despite the uncertainties.

As the song draws to a close, we are left with a sense of longing and a willingness to take the risk of falling in love, even when the outcome is uncertain.

Selena’s voice lingers in our hearts, reminding us that love, with all its intricacies, is a journey worth embarking upon.

Join us as we delve deeper into the lyrics of “I Could Fall in Love” by Selena, dissecting the emotions, conflicts, and timeless sentiments that make this song an enduring classic in the world of music.

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